view of floating open book from stacked books in library

I'm a soul living the Human experience.

I value honesty, i enjoy simplicity.
I'm an artist, a creator, a business woman, I enjoy reading, I learn from the lessons life has to offer, I've lived many lives yet i only live once. I take accountability for my actions, I am sensitive yet bold.

Everything i mention I have put into practice.

Our journey as a collective is to be better humans and leave the world better than when we arrived.

I'm always learning.

Everybody's journey is unique, that is something I value and consider in my practices. follow me when you are ready to dive in to the intricacies of life.


white and black iPad
graphical user interface, application


YouTube in iPhone screengrab



You Create Your Reality

Explore with me!

U.S. dollar banknote with map

The Check / El Cheque

This check is not real. This fictitious check is to improve your attraction by bringing it into your attention every day. Print it out, write out the amount you want and put it in your wallet or somewhere you look at it every day.
The check alone is not going to give you what you are asking for, you must put in faith, affirmations, and you must truly work for it; find ways to make this a reality for you.

Este cheque no es real. Este cheque ficticio es para mejorar tu atraccion de dinero para traerlo a tu atencion diariamente. Imprimelo, escribe la cantidad que quieres y ponlo en tu billetera o en un lugar donde lo veas todos los dias.
El cheque no va a darte lo que estas pidiendo ya que conlleva mucho mas que eso, necesitas fe, afirmaciones, y en verdad debes trabajar para llegar a esa cifra o mas. Busca las formas para que esto sea una realidad para ti.